January 30, 2025
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Casey Weinstein often tweets his opposition to Political Action Committees (PAC), but now he’s in hot water for his possible involvement with an unregistered PAC.

Weinstein donated $250 from his campaign account to Clocktower Collaborative. Former Hudson City Manager Jane Howington’s “non-profit” already lost in a unanimous vote at the Ohio Elections Commission (OEC) in a complaint that it is operating as an unregistered PAC. A full investigation and full hearing on the matter is forthcoming.

When Weinstein hit Clocktower Collaborative’s tip jar with campaign funds, he caused himself a serious problem and now he, his campaign, and his former treasurer Scott Hubay, are facing two OEC violations for an illegal expenditure and corrupt practices.

Despite Howington’s claims, she and her cohorts did not appear to file the appropriate paperwork for Clocktower Collaborative to actually be a non-profit. Just saying something is a non-profit does not deem it to be true. Ohio’s laws spell out how campaign dollars can be used. Since Weinstein is in the legislature, he should be aware of those laws, yet he still wrote out a campaign check.

Former Hamilton County Judge Curt Hartman drafted the very thorough complaint, which is OEC Case 20244G-008. He shows that Clocktower Collaborative is not listed on governmental websites as being tax exempt and is still not registered as a PAC. Hartman then cites Ohio Revised Code 3517.08(G) and 3599.04 to explain that it appears Weinstein broke the law by donating money from his campaign account to the dark money group.

  1. Thus, based upon the foregoing, the expenditure of campaign funds by FRIENDS OF CASEY WEINSTEIN in making a donation to Clocktower Collaborative was not made to a political action committee and was not made ni compliance with R.C. 3517.08(G), viz., “made to an organization that is exempt from federal income taxation under subsection 501(a) and described in subsection 501(c)(3), 501(c)(4), 501(c)(8), 501(c)(10), or 501 (c)(19) of the Internal Revenue Code or is approved by advisory opinion of the Ohio elections commission as a legitimate charitable organization.”
  2. ViolationNo . 1 / Illegal Expenditure: Through FRIENDS OF CASEY
    WEINSTEIN making the illegal expenditure of campaign funds to Clocktower Collaborative, FRIENDS OF CASEY WEINSTEIN has violated R.C.3517.08(G).
  3. Violation No. 2/Corrupt Practices: Through FRIENDS OF CASEY WEINSTEIN
    making the illegal expenditure of campaign funds to Clocktower Collaborative, CASEY WEINSTEIN and SCOTT HUBAY violated R.C. 3599.04 which provides that “n]o person shall,
    directly or indirectly, in connection with any election, pay, lend, or contribute or offer or promise
  4. to pay, lend, or contribute any money or other valuable consideration in the election or defeat of
  5. any candidate or the adoption or defeat of any question or issue for any purposes other than those enumerated in sections 3517.08 and 3517.12 of the Revised Code.”
OEC Case 2024G-08 Hartman vs Casey Weinstein, Friends of Casey Weinstein, and Scott Hubay

Casey and Amanda Weinstein also both personally donated the maximum amount permitted by law directly to Michael Bird* and Patricia Goetz*. Bird and Goetz were candidates who were supported by Clocktower Collaborative. The screenshots below are public documents obtained online and filed by the campaigns of both Michael Bird* and Patricia Goetz*. These documents are available in their entirety online, but we have redacted the addresses as to avoid anyone from attempting to change the narrative and play victim.

Patricia Goetz Pre-General Campaign Finance Report
Michael Bird Pre-General Campaign Finance Report

His campaign’s donation to Clocktower Collaborative isn’t Weinstein’s only involvement with the dark money group. He also was included on organizational emails. That case is now subject to discovery and a full hearing so Weinstein might receive a subpoena on that matter.

In today’s political environment, the public has distaste for hypocritical politicians. Weinstein’s personal actions are in direct conflict with his public statements. He doesn’t want PACs and dark money groups for candidates he opposes, but his involvement with Clocktower Collaborative shows that he is fine with participating in them himself.

State Representative Casey Weinstein also was included in Clocktower Collaborative’s planning emails. Discovery should further reveal his role in the dark money group.

Weinstein is running for Ohio Senate in a district that is heavily Democratic. But if his hypocrisy is properly highlighted, his own voters may sour on him. The electorate is irritated with career politicians who disregard the laws and rules the public is forced to obey.

Click here to read the two released emails that kicked off the investigation into Clocktower Collaborative.