January 30, 2025
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Some people feel they are above the law. Laws don’t apply to them. Clocktower Collaborative is the perfect example of this. The 501c4 established to help Hudson Councilwoman Nicole Kowalski’s handpicked candidates is facing a probable cause hearing at the Ohio Elections Commission (OEC) for operating as an unregistered Political Action Committee (PAC). Despite the seriousness of the situation, they came out to celebrate Dr. Mike Bird and Dr. Patricia Goetz’s swearing in as the duo also face their own hearing for campaign coordination with the dark money group.

During their campaigns, Bird and Goetz claimed they are “non-partisan.” The “non-partisan” Democrats ran as a team with failed candidate Madeline Lepidi-Carino under the guidance of Kowalski. But, Kowalski has run them right into trouble. Kowalski is taking a victory lap to celebrate her new puppet allies on council. She was there to celebrate with her fellow collaborators and they shared plenty of pictures on social media with plenty of clues.

Judge Lisa Coates was there to swear in the newly elected officials. Except, that was a problem for “non-partisan” Bird and Goetz. These “non-partisan” Democrats insisted on having a having one of their fellow Democrats swear them in. Judge Linda Teodosio came for the honor of swearing in these two who are facing a hearing at the OEC.

While Bird looked like a deer caught in the headlights, Goetz was simply giddy in her pictures. So, giddy that she spelled Teodosio’s name wrong in her post.

State Representative candidate Nathan Jarosz said the quiet part out loud. Despite Bird and Goetz’s claims they are non-partisan, this was a Democratic event and Bird and Goetz are highly partisan. This is why Bird and Goetz demanded a separate swearing-in than the incumbents. They wanted a Democratic rally of sorts.

A closer look at these photos is very telling. Goetz also wanted to share pictures of her fellow Clocktower Collaborative folks at her big event. Bill Wooldredge who is named as a defendant in the active complaint of Clocktower Collaborative acting as an unregistered PAC was there. So, was Madeline Lepidi-Carino who is facing the same situation as Bird and Goetz. Fellow collaborators Mimi Becker (League of Women Voters), Liz Murphy, Jeff Wells, Karin Swedenborg, former “non partisan” Democrat Mayor Bill Currin, Rob Swedenborg from the Library Board, and of course Nicole Kowalski, and Casey Weinstein. All of them were included in the emails which now are the subject of an OEC probable cause hearing.

There were people there who know better. State Representative Casey Weinstein certainly does and he was also on the emails. He is very aware that there must be firewalls between candidates and dark money organizations. Yet, Bird, Goetz, and Lepidi-Carino all had front row seats on Clocktower Collaborative emails planning on how to spend its money and clout to help their candidates win. Well, two of their candidates won but there appears to be some consequences associated with those wins.

Weinstein described Bird and Goetz as “friends” in his celebratory Facebook post for his fellow Clocktower Collaborators. But, as someone who certainly knew they should not have been on the emails, he would have been a better friend telling them to ask to be removed. Now, Weinstein will be facing a primary for State Senate and his opponents will be able to use his involvement in Clocktower Collaborative against him, especially if things go south for the dark money group and his newly elected “friends.” Perhaps they all knew and none of them believed they would be caught.

Dr. Mike Bird campaigned against dark money. He mentioned the perils of dark money organizations while he and his treasurer were getting emails with Clocktower Collaborative’s plans to help his campaign. Dr. Patricia Goetz was brazen enough to react to the dark money group’s Facebook posts just as Jane Howington directed her. It’s appropriate that their collaborators celebrated with them. After all, they don’t believe the laws apply to them.

Click here to read two of the Clocktower Collaborative emails.

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3 thoughts on “PICTURES: “Unregistered PAC” Clocktower Collaborative Has A Reunion For Bird And Goetz

  1. You all are so juvenile, political, revenge-driven (C.F. and minions), willing to sue and lie and misinform as it suits your purposes. You will do anything to prevent duly elected people not of your (C.F.’s) liking from taking office after a free and fair election. How can you sleep at night? Perhaps you identify as Christians, but that is not the true faith that I was taught. All you are about is destroying, because you are unable to build. I tried to contact you at [email protected] but it appears to be a bogus address. What childish cowards you are. Our city deserves better. CS

    1. Interesting that you are upset that we are exposing what appears to be campaign finance fraud instead of being upset with the people who committed the act. Laws exist for a reason. The kill the messenger routine is old and we aren’t scared and we aren’t falling for it anymore. Also interesting that you brought religion into this when it was never mentioned. Biased much?
      Your email was not responded to because when your email address was plugged into several platforms, another name came up rather than the one you were claiming as yours. Instinct that you were phishing was correct. There is legitimate evidence that needs to come to light. If the Clocktower Collaborative gang didn’t do anything wrong, they shouldn’t be concerned. They clearly are by your and Nicole Kowalski’s words.

  2. I just yesterday received the Hub Life Magazine and in it was a very factual article on why this possible election fraud is being investigated. Per this articl E Mails are now part of public record that detail the involvement in a 401c4 of the ex Hudson city manager, ex Hudson city council members and current councilwoman Nicole Kowalski ( among many more local prominent Democrats. A secret PAC that they formed to fund their approved candidate list for both city council and BOE. If proventhey broke the laws governing a 401C4 to purchase signs etc in excess of $100. for candidates. And the candidates did not declare these “ in kind” donations. The same $100 cap that Kowalski felt so passionately about she made it her “ pet project” to attack a citizen that she felt did not abide by the rules!! I am a tax payer, I abide by the rules I am happy if this is legally pursued in order to get the truth and finally hold people accountable if they are found guilty..

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