January 30, 2025
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Facts and evidence are hard to deny, but that’s exactly what Hudson Councilwoman Nicole Kowalski is attempting to do.

Kowalski and her Council candidates are in hot water thanks to an active complaint at the Ohio Elections Commission regarding the apparent candidate coordination with 501c4 Clocktower Collaborative. Former Hudson City Manager Jane Howington included Kowalski’s candidates, Dr. Patricia Goetz, Madeline Lepidi-Carino, and Dr. Mike Bird on the 501c4’s organizational and planning emails. This is a serious issue as candidates cannot be privy to this information. 

Bird and Goetz are in double trouble as their campaign treasurers Chris Mason and James Squyres also were on the emails. This means two official representatives from both campaigns are involved. Firewalls between candidates and dark money organizations are required as they cannot coordinate campaign activities. Instead, Bird and Goetz and their treasurers had front row seats.

When Dr. Patricia Goetz was confronted on her Facebook post about the emails and the investigation, Goetz was silent but Kowalski jumped in to try to dismiss the situation.

“Like I’ve said before, being on an email list does not = collusion and does not mean you are part of that group. Please don’t diminish her hard work with these conspiracy theories,” Kowalski deperately spun.

The problem with Kowalski’s excuse is that this is much more than an email list. This was an exclusive dark money organization that Howington said would shield donors from being known to the public and helped the candidates skirt local campaign finance laws.

If it was legal for dark money groups like Clocktower Collaborative to email their strategy and what they are funding to candidates, every organization would do it. Candidates would not have to be concerned about fundraising as these organizations could do it for them without concerns to campaign finance limits or transparency. The candidates would be aware of what was happening and how much money was being spent on their behalf. And voters would not be privy to knowing who was funding any of it.

Rather than releasing evidence showing they asked to be removed from the email lists, Bird and Goetz went on the offensive and submitted affidavits to the city in an attempt to dismiss themselves from Clocktower Collaborative. But, these affidavits leave more questions than answers. If they had asked to be removed from the email lists, they would have provided that in lieu of the affidavits. But, these affidavits and Kowalski’s spinning of the situation are red flags. Bird and Goetz and their campaign treasurers clearly knew about Clocktower Collaborative’s plans to spend money on their campaigns. Plenty of residents are now wondering if this could lead to perjury charges.

Further, the attorney who notarized their affidavits is Nicole Kowalski’s attorney in her lawsuit against the City of Hudson. This is yet another red flag against these candidates. Someone is giving them terrible advice assuming that residents and authorities won’t be able to connect these obvious dots.

Bird, Goetz, and Lepidi-Carino are now carrying some heavy baggage with their legal problems. They have to be wondering why Kowalski led them down this path. Kowalski was clearly very involved with their campaigns. She even hosted an event for all of the Clocktower Collaborative candidates per Jane Howington’s requests in the Clocktower Collaborative emails. Goetz told multiple people that “Nicole is helping run the campaigns.” These candidates now have to be wondering why Nicole Kowalski led them straight into this mess. As an elected official, Kowalski certainly knew better.

Candidates have a responsibility to follow the law. Lawyers and elected officials do as well and plenty of them were on the Clocktower Collaborative emails.

So far, none of the candidates or elected officials involved have stepped up to show they asked to be removed from the email list. Dr. Mike Bird said during public comments during the November 14th Council meeting that he is glad the two emails are now public record. Yet, Bird has been silent to calls asking for him to release any additional Clocktower Collaborative emails and show proof that he and his campaign treasurer asked to be removed from the email list.

Kowalski’s hope appears to be pinned to the fact that it was just an email list. But, it was an email list of a 501c4 that appears to have coordinated with candidates. Multiple people on the list followed Jane Howington’s instructions, including those candidates. This is a desperate spin from Kowalski as she attempts to run interference and keep her new allies engaged.

Winning at all costs does have costs indeed and this most certainly will leave a stain. The best case scenario for Bird and Goetz is that they will have red flags and asterisks next to their name in their contributions to Hudson denoting their relationships with Clocktower Collaborative. But, the reality is that there will be far greater consequences than this. Laws are meant to be followed, not broken. Hudson’s Councilmembers Elect are in hot water with potential legal issues.

Kowalski is desperate to get new allies on council. After being censured, she turned around and sued the city. Kowalski’s lawsuit has cost taxpayers an exorbitant amount in legal fees. After winning their races, Bird and Goetz are poised to be her allies on council – allies she needs desperately. But, will they stay on her side since they are now the subject of an active complaint with the Ohio Elections Commission? Trust is hard to come by and it seems they have been badly burned by Nicole Kowalski. 

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